Coarse Fishing

One glance at WUF's logo and it's easy to see why we are sometimes viewed as a salmon-orientated organisation. It's true that the Foundation was set up in 1996 by salmon fishery owners concerned by the decline in this iconic species. However, much of the work we have done since has been to the benefit of all fish species and coarse anglers have an equally important role to play when it comes to river conservation.
Unlike many other rivers in the UK, it is widely acknowledged that the already high standard of the Wye's coarse fishing has been getting even better in recent years. This has not happened by accident. Here are some of the ways in which the Foundation's work has helped the coarse fish stocks and coarse anglers to access them:
Clean Water
Putting right the acidity problems in the upper reaches of the Wye has helped a range of coarse
species. Meanwhile, in the middle and lower reaches, we have been reducing the amount of
phosphate and other agricultural pollutants entering the rivers. This lessens algal blooms and keeps
coarse fish habitat healthy.
More water
WUF's work with the water companies to change the way water is removed from the rivers has
helped maintain flows in dry periods.
A healthier riverbed
Reducing the excessive amount of silt being washed into the main stem via the tributaries helps to
keeps gravels clean, enabling coarse fish to thrive and breed more successfully.
More fishing
Via the Passport scheme, we have opened miles more water that was previously inaccessible to
coarse anglers except, perhaps, during the winter months. Coarse anglers now make up nearly 50¢
of all the bookings we take. We strive to raise the standard of beat maintenance and access
whenever possible too.
Better fishing
Any experienced angler knows that too much pressure affects a fishery. By limiting the amount of
anglers we give you a degree of exclusivity and ensure the water has not been "hammered" in the
days leading up to your visit.
More game fish, more coarse fish
Most coarse species are predatory. Game anglers may not like it but by increasing the number of
game fish in the river we increase the amount of food for coarse fish!
The future....
We want to maintain and improve the rivers' coarse fishing but this can only happen with your
support. Most anglers spend a considerable sum every year on new kit and bait but are unaware
that very little of the money they spend on their yearly rod licence reaches the business end of river
conservation. Donations from all types of angler enable us to continue to improve the fishing for
everyone so next time you are about to buy a new reel or bag of halibut pellets, please take a
moment to consider where the priorities lie. Without good stocks of fish, whatever you buy will be a
waste of money.
To make a donation, you can either use MyDonate or download , complete and return a donation form.
Thank you for your support.