Custodians of Healthy Rivers

Why leave a Gift to WUF?
The Wye & Usk Foundation is dependent on the generosity of our supporters and we constantly strive to secure the levels of core funding needed to draw down larger funds which we use to improve and maintain fisheries.
History teaches us that the Wye and Usk will continue to face a wide range of new challenges and threats in the future. Leaving a gift in your Will to the Foundation is a very good way to help us to continue restoring and protecting these two precious rivers. Any gift will enable us to ensure that future generations can enjoy the benefits of clean, healthy rivers too.
The Three Types of Legacy
Legacies can either be a percentage of your estate, after all other payments are made (residuary), a sum fixed by you (pecuniary) or an item or property (specific legacy). All gifts to charities in your Will are exempt from Inheritance Tax. Ideally we would like to thank someone who has left a gift in their Will and of course we can only do this if we are advised when the Will is made. We also appreciate that giving in a Will is a personal matter and can be a delicate issue, so understand fully if you wish to remain anonymous. Any information you do give us, of course, will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Thank you.