The main aim of the REACH project is to get children interested in and excited about the amazing diversity of animals that live in and around THEIR local river, demonstrating to them why the river is so important and how THEY can look after it.
Armed with nets, trays, ID charts, wellies and waterproofs, children are taken to the river to find the incredible array of animals that live amongst the mud, gravel and boulders of the riverbed. The project is aimed at primary school age children, but as well as getting schools involved, it would be an interesting and fun activity for wildlife groups, youth groups, scouts, etc.
By allowing children to discover what is living in their river, they can establish the water quality and health of the river. They also learn what factors can harm the animals that live there and how they can help to preserve and protect this special habitat.
In spring/ summer 2013 WUF worked with 15 different schools in Herefordshire and Monmouthshire. All responded very positively and to quote one Year 5 pupil, after a very soggy afternoon spent river dipping on the river Gavenny: "That was the best school trip EVER!" The project is an excellent opportunity to take learning outside the classroom, to foster children's curiosity for the natural world and to engage them with their local environment.
Please contact our Education Officer, Hazel Evans, on 01874 711714 for more information.